What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Ancient Ones

My wife was going out to a conference in Scottsdale last March, and asked if I wanted to come along. "Absolutely!", I said. She would be spending her week trapped in a hotel conference room - I would be spending my week wandering the desert with a camera, visiting Anasazi Sites I have yet to see. Anasazi is a Navajo word meaning "The Ancient Ones" and they lived in the Southwest United states around 700AD to 1300 AD. They built some amazing cities, Mesa Verde being perhaps the best known. And then they abandoned them. Many Anasazi ruins take the form of pueblos, which are multi room dwellings, constructed from stone and plastered over with clay. Many are multi storied. Some of the most impressive, like Mesa Verde and Canyon de Chelly, are dwellings built into openings in cliffs that may be 1000 feet high. These structures are very impressive, and I have spent the last 18 years visiting and photographing them in the four corners area. This is a smaller ruin which has been reconstructed, called Besh Be Gowah, outside Globe, Arizona. I was probably photographing the light more than the architecture.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Ken!

As usual.. I love your photos! I wish I could go out there to enjoy the beauty of our world! I set aside making art ( confined in a room ) for awhile to be out there... (either to socialize, try new things... like exploring the computer world, the "work world "... etc. ) I missed the times I would just sit on a chair at the end of the day enjoying sunsets.... Lucky you, seems like your passion and work are aligned ! ( ?) .... I wish things would fall into right place on my part someday!

you know me ...

would you believe I sent this note to Audrey ..twice!!!

The Sixth Day Photogs said...

Hey Ken, wonderful shot, I've visitied many Anasazi sites through out the west and this is one I'v been meaning to get to. just beautiful. And it must have an added meaning to you being that you were there when it was built. :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Ken, did you forget your flash? All kidding aside, you're a very sensitive man.

Jay River said...

The Anasazi and Canyon De Chelly..

Here is a film clip laced with history from Canyon De Chelly:


It's from a dvd on Edward S. Curtis, which bears on other Indian lands as well.

Link:Indian Picture Opera; Amazon
