What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Audrey C. Tiernan
I remember the day my Mom and I were walking in Manhattan and she pointed out gargoyles on the side of one of the buildings. I was about eight years old and found them ugly and scary. Mom was quick to tell me that they were really more like sentries or guardians of the building. She could always dispel my fears so easily back then. When I went away to college, some of the buildings on campus had gargoyles too. I recalled what she had said so many years earlier and felt like they were friends as I walked past them on campus. Even today when I walk past buildings I am always looking. You just never know where your friends are.


Anonymous said...

Wait a sec... so Karl Maulden is gaurding this building? :-) nice shot Aud.

Anonymous said...


Cool story, and neat photo! My sisters now check out the site, and the thing that they love are the stories. One says that without the stories, it would just be a collection of photos to scroll through.


Anonymous said...

A high school friend told me I looked like a gargoyle. I didn't know how to tell her, no kidding, so I carried her comment with me for years. These days my father walks around the city pointing them out, telling me I should do a project on them. I love it when other people tell me what I should do. I have a better response now: why don't you do it? -- PinkFlamingo