What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Dick Yarwood

This is the reaction from an average individual first seeing this ego trip of a website. Let us, please, stop the captions that read like the Book of Knowledge. As Harvey Weber said the pictures should carry it, not hundreds of words of bullshit.


The Sixth Day Photogs said...

Yarwood, you magnificent bastard! I love it when you go off your meds like this. -Ferrara

Kare said...

I am really moved emtionally by this photo, Dickster. It makes me feel like the man is maybe watching a dentist come at him with a drill. Or perhaps he caught you in your underwear by mistake as there is a certain look of horror in his face. There is a wonderful geometry in the 4 fingers of the raised hand, interesting that it is more zenful to show 3 or 5, never an even number. But it works, yes it certainly works, provoking the viewer to want to know more, more details. Like did you carefully frame it in the viewfinder or more likely fire the camera from the hip or perhaps the camera went off accidently.... And did you really get out of the car ????? Please give us more..........

Anonymous said...

For even the most casual observer of this startlingly original photograph, rivaling Salvator Dali and most particularly Norwegian Expressionist painter Edvard Munch, the Chi, viz., magnetic waves of cosmic energy, jolt the consciousness of the cerebral cortex and nether regions to the surprisingly dirt-encrusted but adroit left hand pointing westward with a slightly southern slope signifying the subject is concerned with the youngest daughter or the mother (the southern influence) and, more importantly, there is predominant Tue, alluding to the luck of children and a soupcon of Kun (the southwest) alluding to marriage propects and marital happiness, which brings us to the reality of a circular gold-like hard metallic substance on the second digit, viz. digit adjacent to the digit of least square footage, and this signifies in no blunt words that the man, captured so adroitly in the ancient and generally verboten method of aiming a strobe aka "flash" sitting in a "hot shoe" (either that of a camera or the shoe upon either of the photographer's feet, if biped) emanating light beams in a direction of the shortest distance from the camera to the subject (instead of directing the beams at an intermediate subject or reflectional surface in order to deflect or "bounce" them at an angle 90 to 180 degrees obliquely to the subject at, some postmodern experts would claim, a more "pleasing" aspect for the film plane or antediluvian to 1995 and the discovery of the "pixel" (the term "pixie light" determined by the American Society of Overly-Analytic Press Photographers in June of 1995 as being a wee bit lame) or the "digital g-spot", has already married his eldest daughter or his mother, hence the subject's almost obscured facial "ora cava" of mortification and self-loathing, but if we switch our perspective to that of the subject, going "out-of-body," entering him spiritually and making a U-turn, then we are relieved to infer that this pitiable man is actually pointing his RIGHT dirty hand toward the east or southeast and that he's, to be succinct, more interested in marrying his Chen, oldest son, or marrying his Ken, youngest son, and accordingly, his natural course of action would be to move his bed or futon, heap o' rags or other on-the-floor conveyance of sleep (if he DOES sleep) toward either the trees or the mountains to obtain the best harmony of his surroundings.

The Sixth Day Photogs said...


Brilliant! First I laughed out loud and now I am sitting here grinning from ear to ear! Perfect! Thanks!


The Sixth Day Photogs said...

Blog = Weblog

Weblog = a frequent and chronological publication of comments and thoughts on the web. They usually include philosophical reflections, opinions on the Internet and social or political issues. Photographs are optional.

Anonymous said...

Cut to the chase, Yarwood. What are you really trying to say with this photo. I'm not as deep a thinker as some of the others who have commented. But, I'd say it had something to do with penis envy.

Anonymous said...

Does K. Lopez know you are using (exploiting) his "game face" for purient purpose.


dadeo1 said...

It's a dam good thing you guys are not wasting film any more!!!

Anonymous said...

i am insulted at the analysis of my "dirty" hands. if you look closely, you'll see that this shot was nothing more than my reaction after quickly dragging my fingers over yarwood's ('stick's') filthy press room desk.

Unknown said...

Best of Show!!! I'll bet an intern took the photo for you. I hit my head on the screen reading Kenny's last caption. It was like War and Peace.