What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Southard's Pond

Jim Peppler

"Southard's Pond #11". from a series of photos for a visual journal of a walk thru Southard's Pond Park in Babylon that I made for a friend. I find the camera a fine tool for connecting to the living reality of LIFE as I experience it; my faith and belief is that each moment is infinitely rich in information, inspiration and "Beauty" (as in the richest affirmation of creation) the challenge is to surender to the seeing and appreciating. This "moment" in a reflection mesmerized me with the complexity and depth of its patterning elements. I was doing the image journaling walk as a dayoff exercise to share my appreciation of the spot with a friend I was trying to provoke into visiting Long Island; but I confess that two days later I went back to seeing howmuch could be "recreated" for a NEWSDAY "floater" - as it turned out several "moments" such as this were still there with different nuances, and several others were very different and in several cases "better" (in that I saw more of their beauty).


Aud said...

Jim.. What a beautiful photo it looks more like an impressionist's painting then a photograph. There is so much going on in it too, yet it has such a calming quality to it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Jim, like a watercolor. I love this.

Anonymous said...

I love this photograph.

Anonymous said...

This image reminds me of the time when a Buddhist Monk asked me a Zen question: "Would you rather be the stone that sinks to the bottom of the great river or the twig that gets carried down stream?” It didn't occurred to me then to say that I wanted to be the river!