What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Audrey C. Tiernan
I admit it… I took ornithology my senior year of college because I thought it would be an easy A and I needed a class to fulfill a mandatory science requirement. Actually it wasn't easy and getting up for a 7am lab once a week was downright painful. I never expected to enjoy the class, but I did and I gained a life long interest in birdwatching. My backyard has lots of feeders and several birdhouses. I enjoy looking out the kitchen window to see who has stopped for breakfast or lunch. Several Cardinal families have remained all winter. Of course it is built in entertainment for Slugger too. The birds at the feeder have repaid me by providing me with several floater opportunities! This great blue heron didn't stop in my backyard; I spotted him here in Tampa. That's what I like about birdwatching, you can do it anywhere. No special equipment needed--just keen vision. Every day is ripe with opportunity-- catch an Oriole in your backyard birdbath, or an American Kestral on the fence! Actually, birdwatching has made me a better photographer, it has helped me to learn to be a little more patient, to look at things just a bit more closely before releasing the shutter. In many ways it is just like photography, the birder is always on the hunt hoping to find an elusive species or a special moment.


The Sixth Day Photogs said...

Hey Aud, great shot, and really great work down in Fla. Sorry about scooping you on pitchers and catchers :-) but I love your blog from down there and Iv'e added a link to it from this blog. keep up the good work. -Tom

Anonymous said...

You GO girl! NICE shot! Really nice shot. Love the graceful curves.
And I love the story of how you got involved in birdwatching to begin with.


Anonymous said...

I once saw a 4 ft. Pelican in Mykonos it was SCARY!!!! not a big fan of birds, but they sure are pretty!