What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


By Ken Spencer

I am driving north up the Pacific Coast Highway. At night. In the rain.

You have heard of this road - it is cut out of the side of a cliff, hundreds of feet above the Pacific Ocean. In daylight it offers unimaginable views of ocean, sky, and the crashing surf at the bases of the cliffs ahead, as they appear and disappear as the road twists and turns following the mountains. At night it is unnerving. I had NOT planned on driving this road at night. It's all my fault, though. I am spending a week on a crazy thousand mile trip, driving around California, photographing the landscape. At every turn today I was given the gift of yet another spectacular view, of landscape, or ocean or tree or field. It was pouring rain leaving Santa Barbara, and within an hour I was soaked, even wearing rain gear. The landscape and trees in the rain and mist were impossible to pass by. So I stopped. And stopped again. And again. And now I find myself on the road I didn't want to be on at night. But then another thing happens - it becomes simply magical. The twilight sky is reflected in the wet road ahead, and off to my left, the sky, instead of being bright blue, is gray and black and misty, and behind the clouds the setting sun is reflected in the ocean. So I keep stopping and keep shooting. I am thankful for this magical weather, and the late hour of the day.

On my last stop for a photo, I stand by the side road watching the lines on the road reflect the last light in the sky, and just then a car appears from around the bend, headlights on. I wait for a moment, and then snap this. One more gift on a day of gifts.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ken, it was late, memories of geography always the first to go. - T

Blissville said...

My cousin, an IT guy and blogger for years, tells me that among bloggers, perusing through blog sites and not commenting is called 'lurking'. Let it not be said that I'm a lurker. Loved the pix, and loved the story, and best the mesh of the two. Glad you're posting from afar. Makes me love this new world of ours, that this is even possible. Incredible to remember the world when we couldn't.