What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Southard's Pond II

Jim Peppler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is becoming a pattern- I post a photo with minimal comment; then have after thoughts of what I might have put in the caption. Let this commentary stand for the previous and all subsequent "nature photos": It is a necessary part of being a living human in an ever more abstract technologically detached world to keep an awareness in place of the REAL WORLD -the infrastructure to our being- with its own complexity that embraces ALL and not the least of all...US.