What Professional Photographers create on their day off.


Photographers do not turn off. They do not retire or shut down. They create. Endlessly and without rest. Photojournalists are no exception. They spend much of their days illuminating other peoples lives and stories. This journal is to serve as a chronicle of what working photojournalists create on their own days off ...their sixth day.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Ice Storm

Thomas A. Ferrara

As photojournalists, we see many things. It's our job. We look at life through probing, analytical eyes. One of the disadvantages of this, is that we often do so at the sacrifice our own fascination.
Moments that we would once find special, become "assignments" in our minds. Events like Parades, street festivals, and days at the beach, become "floater" opportunities. Sporting events have deadlines, Sunrises and sunsets without a camera become "Missed opportunities"...
And snowfalls...
This I miss most. Once wonderful days. Schools would close, and the world would turn beautiful again under blankets of white. Where I would once grab my sled and head to the local hill... I now find myself grabbing my camera and heading out to photograph the myriad of adult calamities that go along with a winter storm, and I'm finding it harder and harder to be facinated by it all.
But l try, and I still find myself looking for beauty in the crystalline ice.
I made this night time exposure of a tree, encased in ice, in the parking lot of my office, at the end of my shift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tom!

I liked what you've said! I may not be a photographer who always beats deadlines... but I could somewhat relate to what you've said...
